Friday, December 31, 2010


I love watching movies!  I try to watch a variety of things, but sometimes I just get to see the "popular" stuff.  I will attempt to blog about the variety, but if you log on and my most current post has something to do with "Twilight" - I'm either bored out of my mind, or it's all I was able to see lately.

MY blog is full of MY opinions.  They are neither right or wrong and you are free to disagree with me!  I welcome comments on any posts, but I warn you if they have bad language or are really nasty, I won't allow them.  I'm doing this for fun and to be as informative as I can for my family and friends who might not want to take the time to research a movie.  So let's keep the feedback as PG as possible.

A Chick & Her Flicks will focus on four areas for now.  And you will be able to find common posts because I'm going to keep the same title headings.

The four categories will be:

Whatever Happened To....
(Focusing on those actors and actresses we love who have gone the way of the dodo.)

I Want to See~
(It's pretty self explanatory.  But just in will focus on movies I want to see...)

Movie Review!
(Reviews of past or current movies.  It will vary as I have no set pattern to the things I see.)

(There are lot of movies out there that are re-makes.  Some are good.  Some are bad.  I watch and compare.)

I'm sure I'll have random posts once and a while.  Some of them will undoubtedly be full of stuff you could care less about, but that I felt like sharing.  I plan on doing an Oscar post covering who is nominated and who I think should win.  And then I'll do a follow up either cheering my genius and all my correct picks or lamenting my bad choices...

If there is anything you want me to review or talk about, send me an email at - I'll take a look at your suggestion and either blog about it or send you an email as to why I won't.  (Don't request horror movies.  They are the one genre that I do not watch.  They creep me out and keep me awake.  I have 3 kids and one on the way... I need all the sleep I can get.)

My goal is to post, at the very least, once a month and I hope you enjoy what I have to offer!
